Customize an app for your pet owners

Try our demo

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Top tier care starts with great features

Build an incredible platform to improve patient experience and grow your business

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Integrated virtual veterinarian to respond to patients when your clinic is closed

Direct Messaging

Direct Messaging

Find out whats happening with your patients in real time, no more guesstimating

Product Placement

Product Placement

Get the most out of your business with in app incentives and product placements

Full customization

Full customization

Bring your solution to life with whatever customization fits your patients best

App Image

Why choose a custom app for your daily use?


Boost Patient Engagement

Connect with your clients on a deeper level with symptom reporting - ensuring a more connected experience.


Streamlined Communication

Break communication barriers effortlessly. Our app streamlines communication for seamless interaction with clients and staff, boosting efficiency.


Maximize Patient Retention

It's not just about projects; it's about lasting solutions. Our app is dedicated to maximizing patient retention, building strong, lasting client relationships.

Meet our exciting Pricing Plan

We designed our pricing plan with your needs in mind

  • Custom Design Assets
  • User reporting
  • 24/7 Support
  • Any custom feature

Starter Pack

$199/ mo.

Premium Pack

$249/ mo.

Ultimate Pack

Ask Us

Are you looking for custom price? Let’s talk about it.

Our Team

Meet our team of industry experts


Teo Udovcic


Teo is the visionary founder and CEO of Virtualvet, a leading provider of innovative AI solutions tailored for veterinary clinics. With a passion for technology and a deep commitment to enhancing animal healthcare, Teo has been at the forefront of integrating cutting-edge AI into veterinary practices.


Anette Pazdry

Marketing Specialist

Anette is a dynamic and creative Marketing Specialist at VirtualVet, where she plays a pivotal role in shaping and promoting our cutting-edge AI solutions for veterinary clinics. Anette brings a fresh and innovative approach to our marketing strategies, making complex technology accessible and appealing.


Edek Kowalczyk

Sales Manager

Edek is the seasoned and charismatic Sales Manager at VirtualVet, where his expertise are integral to driving our business forward. Edek's understanding of customer needs and his ability to forge strong relationships have been pivotal in establishing us as a trusted partner in the veterinary AI software industry.

Frequently Ask Questions

Find the answer on our FAQ page!

How do i get the app on the app stores?

Our team does everything, guiding you through the process step by step, even if you have your own company account on the app stores!

Can I change the app once its live?

Yes! edits (once approved) will be built and launched within days

How long does it take?

After hopping on a call with our team, we build and launch within 2-3 weeks (usually less). App store approval processes usually take an extra week on top of that.

Is there a limit on how many patients i can onboard?

No limits! our secure and scaleable databases handle any amount of traffic